Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sweepstakes Winner!

Well, the final day for the SMS Soap Co. Sweepstakes Giveaway was yesterday. The last minute of the last day was 11:59PM EST.

However, I have a fondness for my bed (we've gotten pretty close over the years), so I didn't stay up that late, and didn't do the random number generator until this morning.

If any of you stayed up last night hoping for the announcement at midnight, I do apologize.

(You didn't, did you?)

Okay, the winner....

I had a total of twelve comments/entries, and I went with the first comment received as number 1 and the last being number 12. chose number nine (9) as the winner...

The ninth comment was submitted by....


Congratulations, Annette!

Contact me at susan@smssoapco(dot)com (or use the "Contact Me" form at my website) with the email you would like to use to receive your gift certificate. 

For all you other readers out there, stay tuned for future contests and sweepstakes. 

Thanks for playing, everyone!