Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sweepstakes Winner!

Well, the final day for the SMS Soap Co. Sweepstakes Giveaway was yesterday. The last minute of the last day was 11:59PM EST.

However, I have a fondness for my bed (we've gotten pretty close over the years), so I didn't stay up that late, and didn't do the random number generator until this morning.

If any of you stayed up last night hoping for the announcement at midnight, I do apologize.

(You didn't, did you?)

Okay, the winner....

I had a total of twelve comments/entries, and I went with the first comment received as number 1 and the last being number 12. chose number nine (9) as the winner...

The ninth comment was submitted by....


Congratulations, Annette!

Contact me at susan@smssoapco(dot)com (or use the "Contact Me" form at my website) with the email you would like to use to receive your gift certificate. 

For all you other readers out there, stay tuned for future contests and sweepstakes. 

Thanks for playing, everyone!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sweepstakes Giveaway: Because Free Stuff is Awesome

I stated on the Facebook page for SMS Soap Co. that when I reached my first 25 likes, I would have a giveaway. When I came home this evening I had surpassed 25 and shot straight up to 39! Woohoo!

You guys are awesome...I mean that. And to celebrate that awesomeness, here is the as-promised giveaway sweepstakes.

I love giveaways. There's always the hope that maybe...just might score something for nothing, and that's always exciting, right?


What's the prize?

I was going to give away a jar of my Sugared Body Polish. I figured since spring is almost here, the scrub would be ideal for sloughing off that dead winter skin and getting our gams ready for shorts.

Then I decided I'd leave it up to the winner to decide what they wanted, so I'm giving away...

(sound trumpet!)


(sound crazy applause...okay, maybe later)

Da Rules (sigh...there's always rules)

I did a little reading up on the legalities and formalities of sweepstakes. That was almost enough to suck the fun out of the whole deal...almost. But I stayed strong and refused to let them steal my joy.

Unfortunately, there has to be rules, because...well, dem's da rules.

Okay, here goes -

1) The contest is only open to U.S. residents (I'm so, so sorry to anyone outside the United States!)

2) You must be at least 18 years old to enter.

3) There is no purchase necessary to enter (yay!)

4) TO ENTER, just leave a comment on this blog post -- ONE COMMENT PER PERSON, PLEASE. That's it. I'm not even going to make you go look at my store, which is right here, by the know...if you wanted to go look at all my yummy smell-goods. But only if you want :)

5) The sweepstakes runs from now (right now!) until 11:59pm EST, Saturday March 10th, 2012. That's about a week to get a comment in.

6) The winner will be chosen completely at random, with help from (see how random that is?). I will use the number of comments, 1 - whatever#, and let the generator pick the winner.

7) Winner will be notified via this here blog once the (random) winner is chosen...

Did I mention the winner will be random? Yes? Okay...good.

... and they will receive the gift certificate via email.

8) Winner will be responsible for any applicable taxes, shipping costs or merchandise costs that go beyond the amount of the gift certificate.

And lastly...

9) No sore non-winners! Okay, so that's not really a legality, but it's my rule :)

Did I forget anything? Gah! I hope not...

Okay...I think that's it.

Go ahead and comment away...